Laboratory basic set Introsat™, topic groups "Satellite Engineering" and "Radio Communications >". Required to work with most other kits in the series.

Used for teaching the basics of satellite engineering and preparing for competitions.

The kits allow you to assemble functional models of satellites of the modern CubeSat format based on Arduino-compatible STM32 microcontrollers, have an open architecture and can serve as the basis for individual school projects with the possibility of their arbitrary expansion with a popular component base (sensors and components compatible with Arduino, etc.) .

The content of the course and the complete set of the basic set allow you to conduct practical classes, including:

  • Assembling a CubeSat satellite;
  • Microcontroller practice (educational or professional);
  • Practice with simple electronic components;
  • Development of control algorithms using sensors of angular velocity, angular position, magnetometer, illumination;
  • Uniaxial stabilization and satellite orientation by light source;
  • Transmission of data from sensors using radio modules of various types, incl. basics of modulation and coding of a radio signal;
  • Shooting with the on-board camera and transmitting the image over the air;
  • Application of solar panels and familiarity with the tasks of maintaining energy balance;
  • Calculation of the orbital characteristics of the mission and the flight sequence diagram in the software.

Allows you to prepare for the "Satellite Systems" profile of the National Technological Olympiad" and the competitions of the "Applied Space Systems" series of the "Planet Duty Officer" program.

The recommended age of students is 14-18 years old. Up to 3-4 students can work with one set. To work requires a PC or laptop.

Information for tenders
What is in box
Groups of themes in education materials Satellite Engineering and Radio Communication
Format of education materials Online
Hardware and materials Microcontroller module, Power module, Expansion (prototyping) module, 3-in-1 position sensor (gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer), Light sensor, quantity, 4 pcs, Flywheel motor module, Stepper motor, Flywheel, Solar module, Housing kit (chassis components, panels, holders), Mounting kit, Switching kit, Component kit for introductory workshops, Demountable suspension for nanosatellite model, VHF programmable radio module, On-board camera, VHF software-defined radio platform and interface USB (including antenna), Fasteners for accommodating the radio module
Box type Plastic container suitable for storing the kit in the laboratory
Electronic modules features
Space unit type Microsatellite CubeSat 1U
Central control unit type Arduino-compatible microcontroller of the STM32 family (BluePill or compatible)
Voltage 3,3V (main), 5V (additional)
Power connectors Arduino Shield (PBS), PLS, JST
Battery type 18650 (1x)
Data interfaces I2C (main), GPIO, PWM, UART, SPI, CAN
Data connectors MicroMatch 4F, PLS, Arduino Shield (PBS), MicroSD
Wireless interfaces Bluetooth, VHF Radio
Education expirience
Themes of lessons Overview of modern satellite engineering, fundamentals of orbital mechanics, microsatellite assembly, programming of sensors and actuators, simple algorithms for stabilizing and orienting a spacecraft, setting up and programming a radio channel, capturing and transmitting an image
Engineering skills Programming of microcontrollers, Radio engineering, Orbital mechanics.
Age of students 14 years and older (certain tasks can be adapted for younger children)
Max. amount of students working with 1 kit 3-4
Learning hours 36-72
Competition preparation Russian National Technological Olympiad (profile "Satellite systems"), program "Planet Watch" (direction "Applied space systems").

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Introsat Basic Educational Kit

  • ₽ 209,900.00

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Tags: Constructor, Basic set, Module, Satellites, Programming, Electrical engineering, Radio engineering, Radio communication, Robotics, Introsat, Интросат