"Orbita. Challenge" Online Service

"Orbita. Challenge" Online Service

Online service Orbita.Challenge ( Orbita.Challenge ) is designed to support and strengthening space engineering education and space mission planning programs. Key features of the service include:

  • Conducting online courses for the design of spacecraft and satellite constellations in Earth's orbit
  • Supplement and expansion of training modules on space engineering with the possibility of demonstrating the tasks of space technology located in the Earth's orbit, taking into account orbital mechanics, space flight factors and operation of onboard equipment;
  • Preparation for space competitions, incl. to the stages of the "Satellite Systems" profile of the National Technological Olympiad;
  • Creation of your own courses and competitions, the ability to create your own articles and tasks with automatic assessment of student results, including in tasks for modeling the operation of satellites in Earth's orbit;
  • Access to the base of thematic tasks and methodological materials;
  • The ability to work out various options for space mission implementation in the simulation system and analyze the results of such modeling, including orbital motion, communication sessions, energy balance, temperature conditions of the device, operation of its equipment and control algorithms.

The training modules are mainly designed for students from 8th grade to first years of technical universities, some of them can be used for younger students.

Orbita.Challenge service 3-year full standart access

Orbita.Challenge service 3-year full standart access

Access to the service for the design and numerical simulation of space missions “Orbita.Challenge” i..

₽ 499,900.00

Service "Orbita.Challenge". Full license 1 year renewal

Service "Orbita.Challenge". Full license 1 year renewal

Access to the service for the design and numerical simulation of space missions “Orbita.Challenge” i..

₽ 99,990.00

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)

The system is accessed online in a browser window. No server hardware required!

By accessing the system, you automatically get access to new versions of methodological materials on astronautics as they are released. The catalog of tasks and teaching materials is constantly updated and includes materials and tasks, including on topics such as

  • Satellite Orbit Stabilization and Orientation
  • Orbit correction using jet engines (including but not limited to Hohmann transition)
  • Planning the scheme of information exchange with spacecraft
  • Anti-noise coding
  • Selecting an orbit for a spacecraft for given purposes (flying over a point, making necessary communication sessions, etc.)
  • Orbit determination from known communication data
  • Designing a group of remote sensing devices of various types with sweeping the area of ​​interest
  • Mission design taking into account the task of maintaining the energy balance (control of attitude, orbital motion, black and white conditions).

See also: